First, gotta make the car react. Work on reaction time, because the person with the best reaction "should" win. Or, it is his/her race to lose.
Next, know what it takes to run the number.

Now, know what it takes to make the race look different and still run the number. (spot drop)
You will know most of the time who left first, and if it wasn't you all you can do is follow the other guy down the track and hope he screws up. OR, you can make the race look different by blowing by him early and dropping him later, and hopefully pushing him out. Because if he tree'd you, the only ways you can win is if he goes under, gives it back or can't cover.
Even if you dont play games, you need to recognize when someone is doing it to you. And if bottles are allowed, don't bail on someone too soon.
Just some things to think about, seat time will help. Get out there and have some fun.