


Yes a stock 59* block with -1 heads. I'm running the 360-1 245 cnc heads on my magnum block with T&D 1.7 shaft rockers and comp offset lifters. I had to grind the block to fit them, well I didn't grind enough apparently and broke two link bars from wedging into the block.

Must not have been 8043's? 8043 lifters are not offset, and you cannot run offset lifters in a 59° block!


Why not???

because those lifters actualy clear everything without grinding,atleast my set cleared everywhing nicely and you dont want ofset lifters in a 59degree block since the ofset cup will try to rotate the lifter and therefore putting a force on the linkbar wich the linkbar is not designed to handle,this is not a problem with a 48degre block since the pushrods dont get as much leverage on the lifter as they get on the "angled down" 59 degre lofterbores. hope that was understandable