It is one month away, October 19,20,21, till the 11th East Coast Drag Times Hall of Fame Reunion in Henderson, NC. This year is going to supass previous years. As always, there will be old friends, participants and racer who have been prior, an first times. Returning cars and cars that have never been. If you are a MOPAR fan and are standing on the curb, at the cash point machine,you will feel like you have made it to MOPAR Heaven. There will be five (5) Missle cars in Henderson this year. 71 Motown Missle, 72 Motown Missle, 73 Mopar Missle, 75 Mopar Missle (wire car) and 77 Macomb Missle.

If you have never attended this event don't miss it this year. Go to the web site and look at the videos from past years and check out the Press Releases.