Isn't the ute just like the old ElCaminos and Rancheros?
1 reason they are reluctant to bring these smaller Diesel powered trucks, and for that matter Diesel cars is that they are Diesel. Us ugly americans still have not realized the benefit of diesel fuel. Could you imagine a Prius hybrid with a diesel engine? Or the Volt or any of the small displacement cars. The Geo Metros of the late 80's and 90's would get 40+mpg back then. Now to drop in a 3cyl turbo diesel you should be able to see 60mpg pretty easy. But, we as Americans can't get past the stereotype that they are dirty, smokey slow engines that only belong in Tractor/ trailers. Little do they know.
Ohh and last APril I went to Amsterdam with the wife and co-workers. 1 of the guys inquired about the 300C taxi we were in. He started to argue that Chrysler never put a diesel in the 300c and that he must of had it done. I had to remind him that the world does not revolve around the US and that in other parts of the world, where fuel is expensive, diesel is the way to go. ohh well, some people...