

Please explain to me how a guy with the same or more power could possibly get more runs and hook harder? My car kills the tire in 15 passes.

as for the lack of funds............ he won't be making the same or more power, if he is he's buying tires becsue if he doesn't he just goes up in smoke.

and last thing, If your running heads up to give up a tenth or two like you stated is huge i don't like giving up anything.


Re-read what I stated, think about it and then you'll understand why I won't need to answer your question.

Uh-oh! Look who has come out his cave, to give his .
I see both points that are being made. Charlie certainly knows what he is doing, but, if I were a friend/crew member, and saw that vid, I would tell him that he bumped his damn head, if he were to make another pass, with that setup. As far as the argument about weight? Huh? I gladly added the weight of my Champion beadlocks, but, gained the security of knowing that I did everything that I could possibly do, to protect myself, and the guy in the other lane. I guess adding the 10+ pound fire system was a mistake too? No offense to any of the bracket guys, but, I only follow the heads up stuff, so, I will only comment on the heads up arena. To be honest, I feel that Beadlocks should be MANDATORY, at the speeds that these cars are running.(6-7-8 second cars) Can the shi_ hit the fan on a 9 second car? Of course. My point is, if you have had to abide by the Specs (25.2, 25.3, 25.5), why are they overlooking a major player in the drivetrain? The wheels. My Cuda, with the Pro Stock Hemi, made in the area of 1250-1275 HP at the wheels (rough, but, conservative guess) There was no way that I was going to trust my life on some screws to hold that wheel/tire in place, at 160 mph. The 25.3 Spec was a good start, but, you still have cars that weigh in the area of 3500 pounds, going 200 mph, on a little tire. Bada$$? Yes. Totally crazy dangerous? Yes. Might sound a bit off topic, but, I did the tech for every car at the last West Coast Hod Rod race, and was very surprised to see a number of fast (mid 7-8 second) cars, that had no beadlocks. Alright, back to my cave....