
Like all threads, good debate and opinions are welcome and always should be. The only other thing I left out of the initial post was "could this be a safety issue?" That was my thinking anyway. Like stated several times, the wide wheel and small tire maximizes the footprint, especially for classes limited by a tire size, etc. Commonly used with not many known problems.

What works for Charlie or any other credited sponsored racer might not work for the average guy.....to a point. As stated previously its a good bet Charlie does not race on that same set of tires the next race or all season, so yeah chances are he'll most likely never rip the screws out and spin the tire off a wheel. But for a guy with a car that bites the track, making the same or more power who tries to extend longevity and get as much out of his tires due to lack of funds might not be so lucky or successful. The probability for him to damage his car, crash into a competitor or face injury or death is somewhat higher IMO.

I have spoken to Hoosier, M/T and Goodyear reps about the subject of wide wheel/small tires; their answers are pretty much all the same. But I always have to pose the "what if" questions when there is a chance of something bad happening. And most times the "experts" will give an honest "what if" answer "off the record". You think they'll fix your car, competitors car or take care of you/your family if you get hurt? I don't think so.........

People are like sheep sometimes; believe and follow what the next guy is doing until something bad happens............

If this was a video of Booze ripping the tire off the wheel and crashing or other similar incidents posted on the internet, MOST replies to this thread with fast guys would present a whole new way of thinking. I KNOW there would be comments of, "I don't care how much slower it makes me or what it cost, my wheels will be getting beadlocks tomorrow or when I can afford it."

I simply posted the video to show you whats going on with a wide wheel/small tire w/screws. Just a heads-up to think about safety, nothing else.


" could this be a safety issue" - IMO, yes.

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