Did a little work on the car today. My uncle (mom's side, not the one from Lebanon) came in tonight because he's catching an early flight tomorrow and we're closer to the airport. A little background on my uncle, he came in to the US when he was a teenager and has currently been doing body work for the past 50+ years. Well, I showed him the car for the first time, I'm not going to lie but I was kind of excited. He helped me align the door better so now it closes nicer and doesn't squeak. Then he saw everything else (from paint, to the steering shaft, to AC, to windows, and all that) and he basically told me to fix the brakes and then sell the car or not to put any more money into it.

He really didn't like the rust and didn't believe it was a CA car. He just thinks it's too much work and stuff. I'm a little bugged and pissed off right now because I have school and work to deal with. It kind of sucks to have your Uncle's disapproval. After a while he started to realize I was getting bugged and said, "Well, at least you're learning." I get he's looking out for my best interest and doesn't want me to go bankrupt, but still.

The plan as of now is replace radiator hoses and flush the radiator on Friday. Saturday I hope to replace the MC so I could maybe just go to Fall Fling with the car. If not I'll just take my other uncle in my Scion.

Sorry, I just needed to vent. A little discouraged.