

I have 2 cars that don't have chokes one is a 512 with a Holley 950 HP with no choke horn and electric fuel pump. The other is a 440 with a Holley 800 DP it has a choke and choke horn but it's not hooked up and a mechanical fuel pump. Both start about the same way after sitting for months.

While I will agree it sounds like his ignition switch is faulty, I'm still inclined to point the majority of the poor start up blame at his lack of a choke and fuel evaporation. Keep in mind that choke realated issues are going to be more pronounced in cooler climates (you being in Arizona likely helps you a ton).

*The May 2012 Hemmings Muclecar Magazine has an excellent column write up by Ray Bohacz explaining how chokes work, one of the best write ups I've seen in laymans terms.

oh i don't know. i know my car starts a lot like his car ( see my about post) i'm in jersey and it gets down in the 20's and 30's most winters and my chokeless dart doesn't go fouling plugs even on the coldest of days. the OP has an issue somewhere and i doubt its all the lack of a choke. yes it may be harder to start then a car with a choke or a car with a fat carb but it shouldn't be fouling plugs like he says its doing. probably has multiple issues thats causing it. and we probably aren't getting all the details either..

It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
