not trying to cast any or too much doubt but if your car had two previous owners before you then the "what if", will always still remain. The "what if" one of the owners changed the hood or added the emblems?

Reason I say that is that in '69 my three month old or should I say new at the time '69 road runner had the front left fender damaged by a valet parking attendant so badly that it had to be replaced. Yes it was an OEM fender but it was not the original fender that it left the factory with....just saying that it only took three months for a major original part to be replaced and here we have a car that was at the least a decade old or older. I sometimes laugh when I read the arguments that "well I'm the second, third, fourth owner and I was told the car was still all only took me 90-days of ownership to have someone wreck my road runner and for it to not have all of the original parts. Remember the term "Day-two car" that's how long it took to change things, even now.

I love photos

My '69 road runner back in 1969...don't look at the left front fender it's a rebody or at least not original