
Further assistance is required here. That is why I am asking.

SO#'s as follows
R56120 JS23V1G
C05943 BS23V0B
C02547 BS23R0B
G19321 JS29ROB
099156 JS23ROB
403527 JS23V1B
E35871 JH23ROB

Letter means what?

Do the first 3 digits signify anything
Does the sales zone have anything to do with the first 3 digits?

Typically when trying to decode the first letter of a VON, you need to associate it with a Y code to get the true meaning.

An R in the first position could mean a public relations or Chrysler Lease car/executive depending on the Y code.

C = Y07 - Canadian order

E = Y09 - Export

G = Outside modification. Something like a sunroof.

The leter "O" wasn't used but "Q" was and sometimes the tail of the letter is hard to see on a rusty tag. A zero in the first position holds no special meaning as far as I know.

A VON starting with 4 is possible. It holds no special meaning as far as I know.

A letter in the first position beginning in 1970 replaced the two to three digit specialty VONs used used in 1969 and earler.

For example, a 926*** VON in 1969 could mean special paint and this would have been replaced by something like a J in 1970 and later.

Letter VONs can change year to year. For example, the letter B is used in 69 to indicate a car sold in Canada where the letter C is used in 70 and later.

I still have a lot to learn about VONs but I hope this helps.

Last edited by 69CoronetRT; 02/18/12 12:49 PM.


1969 St. Louis plant VINs, SPD, and VONs.
Over 2,000 thanks to you!