

I guessing you'd want a stock looking alternator. But this denso unit off a Suzuki Samauri is awesome. Sooooo steady at low low rpm.

details?? same brackets? what size belt? any alignment issues?

I used my 68 340 non a/c brackets. But the lower adjuster bracket was shortened a few inches. And there are spacers to align the V-groove pulley after mocking up with washers.

I drilled and tapped the alternator adjuster bolt hole to take a user friendly 1/2" hex bolt. Then the pivot stud holes where slightly drilled larger to take a std bolt into the block.

www.arengineering.com makes a nice bracket setup for this. And IMHO more stable than my setup.

I have a squeel in my setup under "pedal to the floor" acceration. Alternator may be a little too far out, or just puller groove too smooth, or need to change belt type/brand.

Last edited by autoxcuda; 12/27/11 06:49 PM.