

Here is what I have so far as rules

Body/scoop correct for super stock era racing including 70/71 e bodies
All makes and models
Any tire
Any engine as long as the brands match. (No mopar motors in your galaxy)
Any carb set up
Transbrake ok
Under 500cid 3000
Above 500cid 3300
The spirit of this class will be Nss appearing cars from the spectators
point of view.
Over the line burn outs required
Wheelstands required
400 pro tree

Awesome Josh now we need to build a bigger bullet....

This is going to be a great class...

I see two problems with these rules. #1 getting these style cars to 3000 lbs is very expensive with the current N/SS format. 3300/3600lbs split would be closer to what most cars in this class run at now. #2 I would suggest .500 pro tree. Cars this heavy react poorly to a .400 tree. That way the cars could retain the large diameter front tires that look period correct. As far as trans brakes and big tires,They don't scare me. If I can't leave on time and hook that's my own fault. Just my 2 cents.