Pinkduster, not sure but the list they refer to may be the one Dad and I generated with all of our testing.

We chose to use only mufflers that were similar to stock sized mufflers or in the range of what were then being called turbo-sized. Mainly, we used the 14" and 20" body-sized case. Plus we had no reason to use single chamber mufflers as they are so loud no one could possibly stand to drive around with them too long or they might go deaf. :)

The other reason UltraFlo mufflers work so well is that they have inside diameter pipe that is actually slightly larger than the inlet and outlet bushings. We indeed saw (fantastic performance and) higher than 100% airflow numbers when we tested them as compared to equivalent lengths of straight, unperforated pipe.

Hope this makes sense.
Tom Hand

Last edited by Tom Hand; 12/04/11 06:04 PM.