in 2001 I started building my 63 Dodge into a drag machine only..

was going to build a 572 and race N/SS...however I started doing things like removing the stock front that would have put it in A/FX...

then the Duster came along and the Dodge got shelved for a few years since 2004..

we sold the Duster and I kept the engine and driveline..the plan was now to install all the goodies into the 63 Dodge and put it on the street..

problem here is the 499 is a bit radical for the street meaning I couldnt take it on long now my thinking switched gears and decided to have my engine builder go over the engine and have a custom ground hydraulic roller cam made and installed..this way I wont be eating springs and having to back off the rockers each time its put away for the winter..

just recently we moved the 65 GTO out of a 10 year hibernation in a filtered air bubble...there wasnt an ounce of dust on the car!! now the Dodge is in the corner and up on jacks...

I'll let the pics do the talking...