
You know I wanted to call BS on sixpackjeffs post about the Blankenship filing bankruptcy but now that you mention it I didn't hear any announcement or get a 2012 schedule in the goodie bag.


We did not hear anything over the pa either about next year events they always announce the schedule for following year at Norwalk. The Blankenship family are good people have not done anything to us over the years. But we don't race the series for the owners we raced the series over the years to keep it going. Jeff Johnson started the series we enjoyed attending and just wanted to keep it alive. that is why we are such big supporters of the series we were there from the beginning. To be honest we wish Jeff would have never sold the series. We wish Jeff would have kept it going. Things would have been different then it is but you can't change what has happened you can only keep on racing the series you have raced for years to keep it alive. It is not the same Chris and Eddie are doing a good job. I would not want to be in their shoes.