That's not hard to believe we have had are fair share of run ins with cb its kind of sad because Eddie is a really good stick and so is Chris I just don't think There efforts can out weigh cb's bumb a$$ attacks.I think in the future if you want to run a fun series the Monster Mopar deal should be pretty good.If he runs a series the way he ran his show in Indy it will be top shelf.
Btw The last time Charlie ran his mouth to us a buddy of mine told him to go F him self he stomped his feet like a 5 year old and ran off.If he runs his pie hole to you again put him in his place and don't let him upset what should be a fun vacation.
Hope to see you at the track,Bruce

God made cold beer,good friends,hot ladies and race cars don't spit in his face by pi$$ing and moaning about how life sucks!!!