
You guys crack me up.

Congrats on your 33 years of racing but dude, i'm not impressed with condescending posts or your insistance that I bow to your persistant drumming of what you think I need to do to fix my oiling problem.
I say again... I was not looking for advice on what might cause bearing failure or anything else other than if folks had any experience with a two pick up pump.

I got the rest covered.

the only dual pickup small block pump setup i've ever seen was a cobbled up mess, kind of like the one pictured in this thread. that was many years ago. i'm not sure where that idea came from, but it was a bad one for sure. the guy apparently had several engine failures and other issues he had been trying to overcome. obviously he got a rude awakening...
eventually he brought the engine to us as a basket case to repair. as i recall, he was running a 6 quart pan with a hi volume pump on a high rpm 340. there wasn't much left in that engine that was useable. it had spun bearings, bent factory crank, and a whole host of other problems.
i can assure you that when we built a new combo we didn't use dual pickups. we ran a baffled 8 quart pan, a hi-volume pump, standard oiling mods on a combo that made near 700 HP and went through the traps at 7800 rpm regularly. freshen up's are every 3 years since he only puts about 150-170 passes a year on it.
take from that experience what you want. i realize it might not be what you want to hear, but consider yourself informed.
may people here are trying to steer you in the right direction. you have an odd way of showing your gratitude, Dude.

Last edited by Performance Only; 08/25/11 10:26 PM.

machine shop owner and engine builder