
I think this is a great post and should be used to weed out the ones that are keyboard crewchiefs. From my experiance racing changes all the time, new tire compounds, new traction compounds, new motor combos, etc the only thing consistant is change. So if some one is not out there at the track doing what's needed there prolly giving bad info. This board is about progressing mopars at the track, me helping who I can and others helping me, if I get a consistant hassle from someone that is just running there mouth like a parrett cause they seen someone else type the same thing that does not help others because they really can't explane the reasons why changes are needed or why it helps. So yes I think track time is very important for anyone that posts in this section.
I know the motor guys hardly never get out to the track, there always dynoing or building new combos. But till it's proven on the track is it really a move in the right direction? Would you rather have a motor built by a guy that's never been to the strip or someone that's out Trying new things in the name of faster?

Theres alot more to being quick than just a engine,
a chassis set up or a bad converter will make a good
engine look bad.... its a package deal