
No problem..........we line em up at bakersfield, un tested off the trailer since it`s built to be a " 8.90 index" car. Gimme a break and tell em to put up or shut up. How many years since the motor was done? Like 5 or 6 years, and now it`s just gettin ready for little ol me. I must be popular as all of the gm [Email]s@#t[/Email] heads are gunnin for me.......bring it!!!!!!!!

yeah no kidding... h ow long do we have to wait? I mean this post is waht 4-5 weeks old. If somebody lays out a challenge it should be settled THAT weekend. Get it DONE. Ok so here it's an 8.90 car so what run it uncert, he shouldn't need to run the full 1/4 if it' so crazy fast....
Makes me think of pass time when these dudes rool up in these big tire big inch Chevys claiming 700hp w/o the bottle and run a 10. Pretty soon Thumper'ss going to have to look on Moparts for a challenge