A little update, I poked around at it yesterday and read the previous students report. It's a real wiring mess, I know at least one or two things aren't wired correctly. And in their report they mentioned when they gave the ECM/PCM ignition power it did nothing.

It appears they just hot-wired the pumps to get it to idle to at least show the professors something. I started it up today and like they say, no throttle response. I disconnected the ECU for kicks and it still starts. So obviously the ECU/PCM aren't doing anything and it's just spraying base idle fuel in.... So it looks like I have a major wiring mess to deal with first. After which I may actually find the computers do have the security enabled (which would suck).

While I have it off I'll solder in a diagnostic connector. Does anyone know where I can buy a diagnostic pig-tail?