

Lets see now….. more than 4 years; over $7K invested; approximately 260 working hours (plus) and zero return on investment.


Then why did you start the thread?

Please tell me that you did not waste your money on an Economics course in College! Are you really that naive regarding the ramp up period for ROI and how it relates to new products in the market place? That has to be one of the most pitiful attempts to paraphrase or twist a statement that I have ever seen in my life. For the other interested parties that can understand simple English, here are some other products that we have allocated a large amount of time and are working towards completion. (Did you get that Alaskan a12? Since they have not yet been offered there has not been an opportunity for return on investment.) In 2008 we should have factory exact exhaust systems for all B & E Body vehicles. We are also working to complete package trays that incorporate the correct shape and texture of the originals. Just to set things straight, I was not born with a reproduction motto on my birth certificate. I had the need for quality products, for my own cars and decided to do something about it. I chose to use my efforts for that cause and for helping other people who were facing the same dilemma. It was better than feeling sorry for myself and criticizing those who at least made an effort to assist the industry. If you don’t like the way something is being done, grab the bull by the horns and change it. Necessity is certainly the Mother of Invention!

Don't let the nitpickers and naysayers get you down. Not everyone can see what visionary people like yourself and Scott and others see -- that's what sets your efforts apart! And we all benefit from that -- even those who can't grasp it.

Until total honesty is on the table, we're not even talking about reality...