The problem with fitment is not necessarily the thinness of the jute but (1) the placement and (2) the manufacturers haven't always anything to go by or someone like myself harping on them about flaws, defects,correctness,etc. so now that I have been doing alot of this on my own, I have listened for years about what the general public and restoration shops like myself want, and with that being said I am trying as hard and diligently to get as many things corrected as I humanly can but I still know that when the dust settles there will be someone who is not going to be satisfied and for that I will apologize now because I will probaly forget later. While I am on my soapbox, for those of you that don't know who I am, for those that have been in this business for more than 15 or 20 years you know my Parents, John and Vicki McBryde that started Motor Parts South, I am Geoff their youngest son (and the owner of Showtime Restorations) that went to most of the shows with them, a little over a year ago Dad decided that he wanted to retire, well really retire from answering the phone, as he still works in the shop everyday but he has the freedom to come and go alot easier, but he still has input in alot of the daily decisions, but I am resposible for the business now so that he has the freedom to do what he wants to. So with all this said I will continue to work on developing this product for the better of the MOPAR world but just keep in mind that I am only human.