

which brings up a question of the original jute material. What the original stuff was made out of in the 60's and 70's is now basically illegal to put on carpet due to its flammability, so unless they can dye what we have been using on repro carpet for 25 years we will have to live with what we have.

If the "correct" jute is not available/legal, how about a replacement backing that's at least the proper thickness? That 1/4" thick foam most have now is nowhere nearly as thick as original and is part of the current fitment problem IMO.

I don't know if it's even possible, buuuuuut...
would it be possible to offer (even if a special order), carpet without the padding? (For goofs like me that want to shave the original jute padding and reuse it on the new carpet )
Maybe that's not feasible with your contour molding... I don't know at what point the pad is glued on.

Will you be using ECS as your exclusive distributor?
Put me down as interested in distributing if you decide you need multiple locations.
