Originally Posted by ChryCoGuy
Originally Posted by Sniper

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I already hear people in the US demanding people with behaviors they do not approve of be denied or charged more for health care. The company I work for charges $50 more a month for health insurance if you smoke and another $50 if your spouse smokes. Won;t take too much longer before some politician notices they are missing out on that "fee" and wants to make it universal.

Yeah, private insurance companies have been doing that forever. For example, in Canada when you buy life insurance, it's more expensive if you are a smoker. The govt healthcare is not set up like that. If you are a smoker you get the same healthcare as a non-smoker. It comes out of everybody's taxes so nobody is singled out. Likewise other unhealthy habits, like eating fattening food, drinking alcohol, smoking pot, skydiving, motor racing, or even illegally driving recklessly on a highway and causing a car accident in which you are injured will not get you denied healthcare. It's just not the way it is set up, and it would be political suicide for any politician to ever suggest denying healthcare due to lifestyle choices. Nobody's talking about it, and it will never happen. I think a lot of people have overactive imaginations because of Covid, and other societal issues or political beliefs (mostly brought about by stuff they read/watch on the internet).

I can already tell you that the military will deny all benefits is you are hurt drunk driving. If you get hurt you get no health benefits/coverage. If you die you survivors get squat. So it is already happening.