Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by poorboy
I don't drink beer, but he does have a point, what business is it of any government how much of anything the guy drinks at home? Concern about health is Bull Dung.

Canada has "free" health care so they feel like they can stick their noses into your habits, deem them unhealthy and force you to change or deny your health care.

Yeah right? So you have more than your prescribed 2 beer a week and you get denied healthcare. But you can put all the cocaine, meth and heroin up your snout as you please, and they'll continue to bring you back to life to consume more of that garbage.

Methinks Trudeau has some sort of agreement with some Columbian Drug lords.

Haven't you heard? As of January 31st, here in BC.... possession of Cocaine, Methamphetamines, Heroin and a multitude of other hard core narcotics have been for the most part decriminalized. Some dude in Vancouver is trying to open the worlds' first HARDCORE drug store.

Can I PLEASE move to the USA??? This Canada thing is getting too ridiculous for me. I just want to build my cars, have some soda pops, eat my hamburgers and live my life in peace. I'll be no trouble. Honest!!

Not to mention.... Canada's "Free" healthcare system is a joke. Unless you live in the major centres.... there's next to nothing out there for reasonable care.
My hometown had a hospital from 1951 to 2009. In that time, the town went from a village, to a full blown city of over 10,000 people. But in 2009 they said there's not enough people to support the hospital. So they shut 'er down. We don't even have 24-hour emergency service anymore.

I had a coworker a few years ago.... he was new in town.... bicycled his butt to the hospital with an aching jaw only to find emergency room not open. He waited there in the freezing cold until they opened, they told him since it was dental they couldn't do a thing - pumped him full of morphine and threw him back out in the street. Turns out, he had an abscessed tooth. I phoned *MY* dentist and asked for a personal favour and that he see my friend *TODAY*. Thankfully, my dentist is an amazing guy and later that day, yanked my co workers tooth out to the tune of $250 (yeah, I had to pay for that, too!!) But whatever.

But that's the sort of thing happening in Canada right now. My buddy might have DIED had that tooth gone septic.

I once went to the hospital complaining of breathing difficulties. They told me their was nothing wrong with me. But my heart rate was through the roof and they were about to admit me to the heart attack ward. Until I literally had to scream at them (with every last ounce of breath I had) that "IF I CAN'T BREATHE, DON'T YOU THINK I'D BE A LITTLE FRIGHTENED AND MAYBE THAT IS THE CAUSE OF MY ELEVATED HEART RATE?" Frickin' Imbeciles.

The other funny thing happening in BC right now is that sales of "bootleg" cigarettes are through the roof. They figure over 200% and the "province" is losing revenue because of it. Yes, seriously.... bootleg cigarettes. Because on the Reservations, the Natives don't have to pay taxes! So they buy taxless tobacco by the truckload, and then sell it to the white folks at an appreciable markup, but still below retail costs.

Works out great for the Indians. But the Provincial Government is crying their faces off because of "lost revenue". Awww. Poor babies. Maybe had they not jacked up the prices so ridiculously, people would not have sought out alternatives.

Same thing with the "freedom seed planter" buy back BS. All it does is turn the average Canadian to the black market.

Last edited by That AMC Guy; 02/15/23 03:43 AM.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....