Originally Posted by poorboy
I don't drink beer, but he does have a point, what business is it of any government how much of anything the guy drinks at home? Concern about health is Bull Dung.

Before we go off into crazy conspiracy theory land, it's a recommendation that basically says drinking alcohol is bad for you, and can cause cancer. Like nobody knew that before?

Nobody is telling you that you can't have more than 2 drinks per week, they are just giving information about the health risks involved with drinking so you can make your own decision. It's like a public service. The news media has put a lot of attention on it because they know people like to drink, and will be upset that doctors' recommendations have changed - and hopefully they can stir up controversy among those who won't understand that it's just information and will think it's some sort of overreach...

FWIW, you can still smoke as many cigarettes as you want to in Canada, even though everybody knows it causes cancer. You can even smoke as much weed as you want here... legally (although it doesn't interest me, personally). The govt is not in the business of controlling peoples' personal choices (in actuality it benefits from tax collected on such purchases).

I think the dude with the tooth is funny, and the reporter kinda mislead the guy to let him believe that the government was telling him how much he could drink... probably sat outside the store looking for somebody that they could get a good reaction from, so they could get clicks... like everybody who watched it as a result of this thread.