personally, i like to see around a 195 degree temperature.
that keeps contaminates in the crank case boiled off, as well as a tick better as mileage.
if all is well with the coolant system, even 200 doesn't bother me in stop and go traffic on a hot day.
however, your tuneup must be on target, as well as the total cooling system.
these cars when new came with a 185 thermostat, and that means it starts to open at that temperature, usually becoming fully open 10 or 15 degrees hotter.
also, the dash gauges were marked L to H with a line between for a reason. if the needle settled at halfway or a little less and stayed there, we were happy.
we then installed a mechanical temperature gauge and immediately had "overheating" issues because we saw 195-200 degrees, while the factory dash gauge still registered in the middle, or less. some of the factory gauges ran closer to the L position, and we REALLY freaked out when a mechanical gauge said 195 or so. laugh2