I don't suppose part of the problem with the numbers of this site might be related to the fact the main topic of discussion, the company that originally built the Chrysler Corp cars and trucks we all loved and grew up with no longer exists, would have anything to do with the decline in the numbers?

Lets face the facts, the company that built those cars that are the main topic of the board ceased to exist in the mid 1980s. Some will argue it died before that, others will argue it died after that, but few will argue that it is still present. The farther it gets from the original company and the original cars of that company, the less traffic we will see. A few of us diehards will remain, until we too die off like the original company has done, or the content changes to things we have no interest in.

Enjoy the journey while it lasts. Much like the petroleum based motors most of us love, the time may be short, or it may out live us.