The nose pieces are still available used, and many are in very good condition. They are fairly pricy, which a person should expect for the size and importance of the part. Unfortunately, the prices also puts it at a level where having one sitting around waiting for an event that might never happen may not make much sense.

The entire passenger side of the nose piece on my truck was badly damaged, but with a hammer & dolly, a few patches, and some filler, it will work OK on my truck. Should something bad happen to it, I will cross that bridge if it ever comes. Between now and then, I'm going to at least add some protection. If the nose piece gets damaged bad enough to warrant a replacement, a major rebuild of this truck would also probably be required. A lot of important stuff isn't too far behind that nose piece.

I got the front bumper brackets modified today, and painted them. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get it back on the truck and get a few pictures. Then I'm going to be in clean up mode, and check over mode. The truck has basically been sitting since the end of May and will be going on a 130 mile drive Sunday to the Mopars on the Mississippi show. It looks like that trip may have some rain involved, so I want to be sure everything will be ready.