This little piece of paradise I live at just happens to be at the end of the street, right next to business properties. The guy that owned this place also owned one of those business properties, and at one time, be built a warehouse on the lower corner of this property for that business. As a result, this location is zoned as a business property. I purchased it for that reason. This is the only property on the entire street that is zoned business, and I ran my welding shop from here for 20 years. Anything parked on that side lot was a "customer's vehicle". End of discussion.

Every time our city gets a new zoning person (about every 5 years), they come by to see me, and I have to tell them about the business zoning for this property. Some are cool about it, but do check it out, some are jerks and threaten me, but come back and apologize after they check.

I may have a problem when we get the next new zoning person though, I've retired, closed the shop, and have cleaned the place up. That side yard actually has nothing sitting on it right now, the 1st time in 22 years for that! When I ran the shop here, it was established before all the current business laws were enacted so it was grandfathered in. The property zoning still stands, but a new business that starts here will have a lot more crap to deal with then I ever had.

The draw back to the business zoning is if the house should get more then 60% damaged, I probably couldn't put living quarters here again (the replacement insurance covering the house is enough to build a new slightly smaller home elsewhere, this house is an 1800+ sq ft ranch style). The property is large enough (.6 acre) and zoned (B3) so that I could put any business short of a manufacturing facility here. It is one block off the intersection of 2 State highways, has street access on 2 sides, and is accessible by semi. Gene