Originally Posted by Mastershake340
Originally Posted by BDW
As has been stated, lawyers are lazy and will only pursue a case with someone who has insurance.
Isn't it true that your house, car, retirement, pensions are not up for grab, AKA OJ?
So I wonder if having all this extra insurance actually makes it definite that you'll be sued.
The guy that has no insurance is that safest of all, that's why they push uninsured Motorist insurance.
Now there's a concept, let me buy insurance for everyone else and myself, because others don't have insurance?

Granted if you have tons of other "assets" then that could be a concern, but not likely.

I’ve started seeing a financial advisor and he asked for my insurance information, and mentioned umbrella coverage.
I’m sure when he finishes his review he’ll tell me I need to get that. He’ll probably also tell me I need nursing home insurance and pilot insurance. When all is said and done my whole paycheck soon will probably go to pay insurance bills. no

Exactly, when you're a hammer, every problem is a nail................
I'm sure there's some insurance to cover those other insurances if they go bankrupt