I assume the payment on 250/500//250 isn't a whole lot more than 100/300/50. I need to look into that.

We just lost a truck at work in November last year. 20 year old girl pulled out in front of the driver, just an accident at a bad intersection. The driver swerved but still hit her, lost a tire, hit the median, and spun out and rolled over chucking batteries all over the road. Her insurance could cover medical for the driver which thankfully was minimal but it couldn't touch the property. I think she had 50K and the truck alone was valued at 98K, the inventory was just under 40K. Our insurance had to take over due to State Farm's lack of communication and no sense of urgency, and then finding out they couldn't foot the bill anyways. I am sure our insurance is going after this girl and assumingly her parents to settle this deal.

Good thread, I need to call my agent!

68 Barracuda Formula S 340