Originally Posted by BDW
As has been stated, lawyers are lazy and will only pursue a case with someone who has insurance.
Isn't it true that your house, car, retirement, pensions are not up for grab, AKA OJ?
So I wonder if having all this extra insurance actually makes it definite that you'll be sued.
The guy that has no insurance is that safest of all, that's why they push uninsured Motorist insurance.
Now there's a concept, let me buy insurance for everyone else and myself, because others don't have insurance?

Granted if you have tons of other "assets" then that could be a concern, but not likely.

I agree most attorneys are lazy. That isn't the whole equation though. Insurance companies have the right to and will subrogate against you if they pay out on a claim for which you are responsible. Can you declare bankruptcy to protect assests, sure. But going through all of that and putting your life in turmoil to save a buck doesn't make much sense to me.