Craziest thing I had happen was smacking a cat. I'm driving a 97 T-Bird on a major city street, 3 lanes in each direction. A park is on my right, and houses on the other side of the street. At the last second I see a cat come from the park and heading straight for a collision course with me. Never saw a cat move so fast in my life. He was running in leaps and bounds, a good 10 feet per leap. It was too late and too dangerous in traffic for me to lock up the brakes. As I was carefully braking, I hit him with the sloped leading edge of the hood. By now myself and other traffic was stopped. I watched him launch straight up 15 feet in the air and crash land lifeless next to my driver's door. Sorry cat, but I need to move on. As I'm ready to leave, the cat comes to life, and continues leaping across the street into the oncoming lanes, although he was a bit dazed. He ran smack into the driver's door of a stopped car, and slid down the door, just like in the cartoons. Well I figured that did him in. Nope, 30 seconds later, he's back up, and a bit more dazed, but still moving at a pretty good clip. Runs around the car he just hit, and promptly gets run over by another car headed in the same direction,. All I saw was a wadded up ball of cat fur as he tumbled out from under the rear of that car. Surely that did him in. NOPE! Another 30 seconds or so and saw him get up, even more dazed and injured, and the last I saw of him he was running between the houses on the other side of the street. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes. I pulled over later and inspected my hood. There were 5 vertical parallel dents. I figured shoulder blade, 3 ribs, and a hip. Craziest thing I've ever witnessed. Wish I had a video! I figure he used about 4 of his nine lives that day.

Last edited by 318 Stroker; 04/21/21 02:39 PM.