I've got a funny deer story going back to when I was in HS. I had borrowed my Dad's pickup ('75? chevy 3/4 ton 4X4) so that I could take my friend to get some parts for his car. By the time we headed back, it was dark out. The route we had taken took us past a place where a (retired) guy would restore cars just to sell them. When he finished a car, he would showcase it outside for a few days in plain view of the road.

This particular evening, he had a beautiful '55 Chevy sitting outside.

As we were driving past, I said; "wow! check out that '55". In almost the same exact tone I had said that, my friend said; "wow! check out that deer".

DEER?! eek

Caught that sucker with the right front corner, spun it around into the passenger door, caving the door in to the point the window wouldn't roll down. Of course the deer ran off....... flame

I thought my Dad was gonna be PO'ed but he actually took it quite well (the truck was kinda beat already). The next morning, he told me to walk out to the truck with him, as we're walking he starts to chuckle. "Looks like you hit a pretty good size deer last night" and he points to the door. What we didn't see in the dark was a perfect outline and indent of the deer's butt on the door. You could see both hind quarters as well as the tail, but no splash........ laugh2 whistling

While he wasn't upset about it, he never let me live it down either. wink


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥