Originally Posted by jcc
"I thought this was going to turn into an argument on "old cars were built stronger with a full frame (as Mike pointed out) versus these new fangle tin can cars being built with cheap foreign steel and plastic" but it seems it's "the federal government ain't gona tell me I got wear a seat belt, helmet or ......"

Maybe, but that left unanswered, why was Nader hated so much?

IMO, it was about government control and "rights", not whether Nader's concerns had merit relative to safety.

Nader took a small situation (the quirkiness of a Corvair when driven at its limits) and blew it all out of proportion for his own gain. And it worked for him. That sucks. Later we had the famous Chevy pickup fuel tank hazard with a demonstration that included Estes rocket engines as igniters. A chicken little example really.