Originally Posted by VS29H0B
Nader was and is a complete fraud ---- he made the Corvair out to be a safety risk ---- while ignoring other vehicles of that era with similar swing axle rear suspensions like VW and Porsche 356. The testing criteria used against the Corvair was weighed toward showing the rear oversteer characteristics which was part of the base engineering of a rear engine vehicle.

iagree Exactly.

BTW I had a similar accident (to the Corvair described above) many years ago in a Pinto that turned out far better. Got my right side wheels off a tall paved lip at 50 mph on I-81. Tried to jerk it back on... instead, spun out, down an embankment and through the median, crossed the oncoming lanes, hit the gravel shoulder, spun BACK across the oncoming lanes, and finally came to rest in the median. eek

Fortunately it was noon in the middle of nowhere so I didn't collide with any other vehicles and wasn't hurt other than a few sore muscles. And I didn't blame Ford for my screwup either... but I sure learned a lesson about handling cars at highway speed whistling

My all-time favorite vanity plate sighting was a beautifully restored red Corvair in N.Va.... it said, "F NADER" up