I've been on a Ritchie Valens kick this week. The movie was on the other night and it hit home a little more than usual as after 40 years of being at each-others throats, my brother and I are starting to get along. So the whole dichotomy thing we had going on somewhat parallels Ritchie and his brother Bob..... and I'm the more talented one and younger..... EEEP.

But here I am anyway, 60 years after the fact, still listening to Ritchie's very small musical output. It's so strange to think that his recording career lasted little more than 6 months. Two recording Sessions at Gold Star in Hollywood and a few amateur demo sessions in Bob Keane's basement. Man, that kid did more by 17 than some of us have done our entire lives. The same could be said about Buddy Holly (who's music I also dig very much).

Kinda makes me sad too that all these truly great people are have left us or are leaving us. I wrote a letter years ago to Bob Morales and would you believe, a few months later I received a HAND-WRITTEN letter from the guy answering all my Ritchie questions. I'd even had some "Bob" questions which he said was really happy to answer. Sadly, he too passed away not that long ago. Seemed like a great guy like you'd love to have the dude over for beer and steak and just listen to all the stories.

Maybe that's one of the problems with the younger generations.... who do they have to look up to and admire?

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....