Some "Fresh Garbage", "1984" and "Mr Skin"
A little "Two Hangmen hanging in a tree" and "Were you There?"
And "Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict"
Just a bit of Iron's "Are you Happy?"

Retired, US ARMY 1973-1994
ASE mechanic, Electrical 1994-1997
Retired GTE/VERIZON/FRONTIER 1997-2015

Posting cheap tech help (CRAP) here since Nov 97, 1000's of posts, some may be good.

03 Suzuki Burgman 650(Burger King) Scooter
65 Formula S Cuda
78 Little Red Express Truck
98 Buick Regal (wifes car)