Originally Posted by wingman
Originally Posted by loco340cuda
Thanks for sharing the video. He does an excellent job on summarizing the current situation of vintage cars.

Cracks me up that a guy with a huge shop with a lift, several corvettes, a porsche, several vintage race cars, and an airplane hanging in the rafters is complaining about "rich guys" ruining the hobby! His stuff that I can see in the picture alone is worth more than my house.

Yeah, price inflation sucks and it definitely deters some people from getting involved in the hobby. But "rich guys" also are the ones who keep lots of resto shops, fabricators, paint and body guys, engine guys, upholsterers, etc. in a job restoring cars. You want to play you got to pay--it has always been that way and always will be.

Well, apparently you know nothing about Casey. Where that is filmed is actually a private school he started called 'Genius Garage' for engineer students to get practical hands on training rather than just reading theories in a book. While some of the cars are Casey's, probably everything in that garage his students have had a hand in. He's also taken them racing. So, no, that garage is not just his garage filled with his playthings.

Linky >>> http://geniusgarageracing.com


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥