Originally Posted By WHITEDART
I'm still on the fence about a Max effort Gen 3 when it comes to the naturally aspirated application.. haven't been impressed with anything that didn't have cubic money involved

it's going to take few more years yet, as more people take the G3 plunge the more development will trickle down, the G3 guys haven't had 20+ years of Nascar and to some extent Pro-stock development to influence G3 builds ,
yes the knowledge is there but taking that knowledge and applying it to real world G3 builds will take some time, effort and investment, each engine platform reacts differently, the trick will be to find what these G3s like that is different than G2s BBM and SBMs I'd love to see what Brett could do with a G3 if money were no object.
So for now you small blocks guys keep on knocking down those ET's
I've had more Big block friends go small block in the last 10 years than I've had small block guys go Big block.
That's my $02 worth.

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