Would avgas be a reasonable thing to try?

I'm just curious too if I would run into this same situation with a 4150 Holley, like an 850 mech secondary carb.
(1) I believe so. it does have differenct characteristics than race gas I'm sure but we'd at least have the gasahol out of there for a test (2) if the ethanol is the cause then likely yes, it'd act pretty much the same with another carb, the heat vaporizes it easier (not a problem in modern FI engines but problematic for us). if non ethanol does not fix it then I would borrow/try another carburetor as it might be strickly carb related/not fuel related. However when E10 was intro'd here in the 80's, cars dieing at stoplights from it were epidemic. EDIT on your 2nd post yes they should not be bouncing, can we block them all the way down (on cruise) for a test

Last edited by RapidRobert; 05/20/17 05:00 PM.

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