I started by sanding the sharp edges to keep from cutting myself while working. This is easily accomplished using one of their diamond sanding blocks. Since they used a 220 grit block in the coffee table video I decided this was a good place to start. The sharp edges cleaned up very fast, taking a total of maybe 15 - 20 minutes.

Next up sanding. The kit comes with 3 grades of silicon carbide 4.5" pads, (red) 150, (Green) 100, and (Blue) 50. When I did the drivers window I learned that the green 100 would remove medium scratches locally but considering the amount and depth of the scratches on my glass, and knowing I was going to open the entire face I decided to start big with the (Red) 150. Shortly into sanding the dust fills the scratches and really magnifies what your going after. (see photos)

I made long passes working side to side and top to bottom. The depth of the scratches required me to order additional (Red) 150 pads, eventually burning through about 20 or so to get all the scratches removed. This was a solid 8 to 10 hour day, so don't think it's a fast process.

Once happy with the opening and removal of defects I performed the same task for several more hours with the (Green) 100 and the (Blue) 50 pads, probably added another 3-4 hours

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