Kind of lost this topic..., but I took the Brewers in to a flow bench. Have no idea about the quality of the porting done to them and not going to publish any numbers since they only relate to that flow bench, but they were better both on intake and exhaust than a set of ported B1 MC's and about 20% better than our previous "fully ported" 440-1's I had in the same bench previously. And that's with way less CSA.

They actually did have a water leak in the pushrod hole area that I fixed with some epoxy stuff but will fix it better later. Have not yet run the engine but will get it done and dynoed during next winter.

Here is a pic of the Brewer next to an Indy 440-1

Last edited by jyrki; 07/20/16 10:41 AM.

Plynouth VIP '67 TT IC EFI