Originally Posted By Digger73

At the risk of sounding naive. What is the pecking order of the available BB aluminum cylinder heads? Starting with the best and working down to the worst. I have been just a bit confused by all of the offerings now.

I am just trying to sort out the performance level of the heads that are on the market. I see several heads from the different vendors and just wonder where they all fit in with each other. I guess I should have asked for the list of the most power potential to the least. I am not looking for any recommendations just an FYI list.

When this thread started 2 years ago. I thought it was a great idea, and quite frankly I still do. I'm confused as to why we can have a 25 page discussion on one head, but this list never got any traction. I know I would appreciate more comparisons from the people with first hand knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of each offering.

The Definitive, Emperical list of BBM Wedge Aluminum Heads
1.Indy Predator Non-traditional valve layout, once considered sacrilege is actually a major plus. Valves as long as your forearm. Pricing info anyone? Or is this one of those, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it upgrades".

2.B-1 TS The TS stands for "Trick Stuff" that you aren't smart enough to figure out. Like a Max Wedge, aluminum front end Dodge of the 60's, they won't even let you touch them until you have major racing cred already.

3.B-1 PSO Unlike the first two listings, I've actually seen a set of these, held them in my hands and inspected them.
It took twenty minutes in a cold shower to get my heart rate back to a manageable condition afterwards, but I survived.

4.B-1 MC I've had the opportunity to buy a few pairs of these, ported, used, for around what I normally give for two sets of Indy -1s.

I'll continue later, but the Wife just came home, and she's looking over my shoulder...
I considered starting from the bottom, more of my domain, but the the list of 210cc/ 70 cc stock knock-offs is getting very convoluted...

"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines