I took the car out for a 15 minute drive and got it pretty warmed up. I parked it and did some testing. During the hard start condition, I did the following:

Measure voltage across the battery during cranking with a remote starter so ignition disabled. Battery voltage was 13V (fully charged), and when I fired it, voltage dived (expected) and recovered at 11.4-11.0V during about 3-4 seconds of cranking. I would note that during this time, the starter began slow and then sped up to almost normal.

One thing I did notice that seems to be making this marginal situation worse is my electric fans. These are tied to the ignition circuit so when the car is hot enough to have the fans engaged, I have a 20 amp draw and .5-.8V drop with the car off.

Where as the started turned over slower (but fast enough to start the motor) with the fans off, the fans on seem to push it over the edge. I know these newer starters take less current than the old style starters but are sensitive to inadequate voltage.

I may need to wire a toggle switch in series with the sender unit so I could disable the fans, if need be.

I still have a slow-ish start so the fans aren't totally my problem but it is making this worse for sure.

Aside from the fans issue, does the battery voltage during cranking seem in-line with what you would expect?