It goes against what made America great. The NHRA has become a too-large, too all-powerful, too over-regulating of a governing body instead of a light handed governing body that guides and promotes fair competition and innovation. It stiffles competition, over-regulates and conditions people from even trying to compete, takes away their individual rights and uses the media to make most people think it's the greatest thing since JC; but hang on to your wallets cuz Change has come to America too, better start getting used to it.

1970 Plymouth 'Cuda #'s 440-6(block in storage)currently 493" 6 pack, Shaker, 5 speed Passon, 4.10's
1968 Plymouth Barracuda Convertible 408 Magnum EFI with 4 speed automatic overdrive, 3800 stall lock-up converter and 4.30's (closest thing to an automatic 5 speed going)