thinkn ur vert is prob not right.

I had a 9.5 ptc that had zero with 3.23s, 3.55s and 4.30s. Also had a 9 inch fairbanks that acted the same with the same gear sets. I do have a 9 inch ptc that started life as a TA J. It isnt as nice on the street.

Just dropped my gears back to 3.55 w 30 inch tires and 8 inch TA vert. Took a 150 mile trip yesterday. Honestly acted very nice. I was concerned it might be pretty mushy, but even on a long hills, wasnt bad.

72 RR, Pump gas 440, 452s, 3800 lbs, Corked, ET Radials,. 11.33@117.72. Same car, bone stock 346s, 9.5 comp, baby solid. 12.24@110.