I am a man and partakeing in danger feels great! This is why we drag race, wrestle aligators, rock climb, sky-dive, bungee jump, hunt, ride motorcycles, drive vipers pedal to the metal on a lonely road, water skiing, blow things up, snow boarding, sleding, ride in barrels over water falls, play Ice hockey, look over the edge of a volcano, become cops, fly stunt planes, smash mail boxes, wrestle other dudes, box, fight fires, start fires, throw spray paint cans in the fires, break land speed records, join the army and go to war, break the speed limit, snow sking, ride roller coasters, play foot-ball, build sky-scrapers, walk tight ropes from one sky scraper to another, chase women, dive in a swimming hole in a unknown river...

I am a man and enjoy danger don't make safety rules about every thing under the sun, it takes all the fun out of it! If raceing was %100 safe who would want to do it? That is why I get tired of the NHRA and why outlaw tracks are more fun. If I want to put a blown nitrous injected 500 inch hemi in a lebaron convertible why not? Give me a waiver to sighn I will have a huge on my face when I am done

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!