

Well guys I like going fast and I like what the NHRA has done for racer's safety. Without the NHRA there would be more dead racers-purely and simply. Vitually every other sanctioning body has eventually adopted most of the NHRA's safety protocol. Like any other big target they attract criticism. Goodyear is the only reason there is T/F racing. I'll say that again "Goodyear is the only reason there is T/F racing. They have never shy'd away from the incredible demands that fuelers put on tires. They should be rewarded for their dedication and that is exactly what the NHRA is doing.

They ARE rewarded for their dedication every time a racer writes them a check to purchase their tires. No more rewards should be required.

There is absolutely zero profit in T/F tires. Go race/watch somewhere else if you don't like the NHRA. I can assure you that if the NHRA go belly up the rest will follow quickly and sportsman drag racing will take a huge hit. Every other tire manufacturer that once supplied T/F tires pulled out voluntarily due to the unbelievably high product liability. Goodyear is in business for profit. If they can't make money somewhere then why bother?